martes, 4 de enero de 2011

And the Darwin goes to South Korea

A man who rammed his wheelchair in anger through lift doors before plunging to his death down the shaft tops the 2010 Darwin Awards.

Footage of the horrific demise of the man in a shopping centre in Daejon, South Korea, in August generated more than 100,000 hits on YouTube.

He missed the lift by seconds and tried three times to smash metal doors before vanishing.

The 40 year old took top spot in the dubious honours, which for 25 years have rewarded acts of "sublime stupidity" around the world.

Also among last year's entries were an amorous Brazilian couple who stopped their car in the outside lane of a major motorway between Sao Paulo and Rio during heavy fog. The lovers died when their vehicle was crushed by a cargo truck.

Founder of the Darwin Awards Wendy Northcutt, said: "They honour people who ensure the survival of the human race by removing themselves in idiotic fashion."

Congratulations for all of them!
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